Health Tips

Overall wellness is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Everyone’s mental health fluctuates while in spaces for prolonged periods of time, and we all have times when we feel down, stressed, or possibly frightened. Below are some essential health practices that you can do while you are at home that will have you feeling great!

Try these tips to keep yourself balanced, relaxed, and feeling well while you are unable to travel.

  • Take care of your body as much as possible while you are at home. Taking care of yourself can improve your mental health. Be sure to eat nutritious meals, get sunlight as much as you can (while maintaining social distance), drink plenty of water, exercise (which helps decrease depression and anxiety and will improve your mood), get enough sleep (studies show that lack of sleep contributes to high rates of depression and other health issues).
  • While maintaining social distancing, be sure to surround yourself with individuals that have already been within your household and play board games, watch movies, have stimulating conversations, etc. People with strong family or social connections are generally healthier than those who lack a support network.

  • Learn how to deal with stress properly by practicing good coping skills, trying one-minute stress relief strategies, do Tai Chi, Yoga, or other exercises. You can also pet your animal while projecting pleasant thoughts, enjoy your view or backyard, and, most importantly, you can try smiling when you recognize the humor in life. Research shows that laughter and smiling can lead to a reduction in stress, increase your immune system, ease pain, and help you relax.
  • Change up your daily routine as much as you can in order to break up the monotony. Try a new workout, an original recipe, take a more extended shower, or even listen to new music.

  • Remember to seek out help when you need it. Monitor your health daily, check for fevers, inflammation, check in with your personal mental health, or any other health irregularities. Get help when you need it and as often as you may think you need it.

Be sure to encourage others to follow all of these habits so that they also remain healthy and safe during these troubling times. Remember that you are more than members; you are part of our family, so please know that we are here with you, thinking of you, and wishing you well as always!

Kind Regards,
UVCI Member Marketing Team

Content Credit: Michigan State University Health Services – Adapted from the National Mental Health Association/National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare

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