Boletín Agosto 2024

Actualización en las Tarifas de Modificaciones a la Reserva, Cancelación y Guest Fee Mantenerse informado sobre las últimas tarifas al modificar su reservación, cancelaciones y guest fee en nuestro Club puede mejorar significativamente su experiencia de membresía y ayudarlo a planear de manera más efectiva. Comprender cómo le afectan estas actualizaciones es esencial para aprovechar […]

Building a Better Future Together with Eagle’s Wings Foundation 

We are thrilled to share the incredible work being done by the Eagle’s Wings Foundation and its partner charities. With a mission to support social integration and education initiatives, the Eagle’s Wings Foundation collaborates with local charities to provide essential services to those in need. Through the combined efforts of its members, the foundation seeks […]

Boletín julio 2024

Descubra Los Tesoros Subacuáticos Escondidos de México  ¿Sueña con unas vacaciones bañadas por el sol donde pueda explorar la vibrante vida marina y las aguas cristalinas? México ofrece algunos de los lugares para practicar snorkel más impresionantes del mundo, ideales tanto para principiantes como para buceadores experimentados. Póngase las aletas y prepárese para sumergirse en […]

Supporting Communities Together: Discover 2 Impactful Charities Backed by the Eagle’s Wings Foundation 

Transforming Lives with Eagle’s Wings Foundation  We are excited to share the incredible work being done by the Eagle’s Wings Foundation and its partner charities. The Eagle’s Wings Foundation, established with a mission to support social integration and education initiatives, collaborates with local charities to provide essential services to those in need. Through the combined […]

Common Scamming Tactics in Vacation Ownership 

Scammers are constantly finding new ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals, and the vacation ownership industry is no exception. Whether you’re a seasoned vacation owner or new to the concept, it’s crucial to stay informed about the common tactics scammers use. This guide will help you identify these schemes and protect yourself from falling victim.  Common […]

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