Eagle’s Wings Foundation Update

We have been asked by many of our generous members how they can best provide assistance to the communities and staff of the Villa Group and Tafer resorts affected by the COVID-19 virus. We have determined the most effective way for us to coordinate these efforts will be through the Eagle’s Wings Foundation (EWF).

Many of you are already familiar with our non-profit sister organization (Eagle’s Wings) and its mission to provide assistance to various charitable organizations in the Villa Group and Tafer resort destinations. EWF has been a long-time supporter of these communities, and now more than ever they want to join with you to reach out to a loving hand to assist those in need.

To donate to the relief efforts for those affected by COVID-19 please visit the EWF site and click on the PayPal link.  All donations received through April 30 will be earmarked directly for Covid19 Relief and will not be included in the funds donated throughout the year for general grant purposes. The EWF Board of Directors will be directly responsible for prioritizing needs within Puerto Vallarta, Los Cabos, Cancun, and Loreto Villa Group and Tafer staff and charities, and will confer to distribute funds efficiently.  Please visit the EWF website at www.eagles-wings-foundation.org today and click on the “donate” to help those in need.

For those who do not have access to creating a PayPal account, you may send a check to Eagle’s Wings Foundation, c/o 6850 Bermuda Road, Las Vegas, NV 89119.

We thank you in advance for helping the communities of our resorts affected by COVID-19 and are so grateful to have you a part of our member family.

Eagle’s Wings Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation, Tax ID# 33-0883036

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