Magic Towns of Mexico at Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta

From May 21-24, 2019, Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta is hosting their annual Magic Towns of Mexico Event!

The event will allow members and guests to celebrate and experience Mexican culture.

Members and guests will have an opportunity to participate in cultural crafts, cooking, dancing, and more.


Schedule of Events:

Tuesday, May 21, 6:00 pm

Welcome Cocktail
Chefs Location: Pool area

Wednesday, May 22, 11:00 am

Pre-Hispanic Dialect Lessons
Location: Pool area

Wednesday, May 22, 1:00 pm

Chopped Challenge: join a cooking team and participate in our cooking contest hosted by our invitee chef
Location: Pool area

Wednesday, May 22, 3:00 pm

Mexican Ethnic Dance Class
Location: Pool area

Wednesday, May 22, 4:00 pm

Clay Sculpting Class
Location: Pool area

Wednesday, May 22, 7:00 pm

Mayan Equinox: enjoy a buffet dinner with Pre-Hispanic dishes and a show without comparison
Location: Pool area


Thursday, May 23, 11:00 pm

Mexican Ethnic Dance
Location: Pool area

Thursday, May 23, 1:00 pm

Chopped Challenge: join a cooking team and participate in our cooking contest hosted by our invitee chef
Location: Pool area

Thursday, May 23, 3:00pm

Brewing Mexican Ancestral Drinks: learn how to make fermented drinks
Location: Patron Restaurant

Thursday, May 23, 4:00 pm

Embroidery Class
Location: Pool area


Friday, May 24, 11:00 pm

Pre-Hispanic Dialect Lessons
Location: Pool area

Friday, May 24, 1:00 pm

Chopped Challenge: join a cooking team and participate in our cooking contest hosted by our invitee chef
Location: Pool area

Friday, May 24, 3:00 pm

Painting Lessons with local artist
Location: Pool area

Friday, May 24, 4:00 pm

Clay Sculpting Class
Location: Pool area

Friday, May 24, 7:00 pm

World Heritage Huichol Dinner: learn about the Huichol National Mexican heritage culture, enjoy a buffet dinner with authentic Huichol dishes, and experience a Huichol show and many surprises.
Location: Pool area

We are excited to have you in Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta for this event. Seats are filling fast so be sure to reserve your spot soon.

The resort reserves the right to change, alter or terminate the event schedule at any time with or without notice. Upon arrival, please see the staff at the resort for additional details.

Other Upcoming Events at Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta:

  • June 18-21, 2019: Members Gastronomy Week
  • August 6-9, 2019: Adventure Week
  • October 16-19, 2019: Fest of the Seas
  • November 2019 (Dates Pending): Week of Our Traditions

Upcoming Events at Villa del Palmar Flamingos & Villa La Estancia:

  • April 23-26, 2019: Cuisine of the Sun
  • June 25-28, 2019: Beyond the Border
  • July (Dates Pending): Wine Makers
  • August 6-9, 2019: Masters of the Kitchen
  • October 2019 (Dates Pending): Wine Makers
  • November 2019 (Dates Pending): International Culinary Fest
  • December 2019 (Dates Pending): Wine Makers
Posts created 848

4 thoughts on “Magic Towns of Mexico at Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta

    1. Hi Brian,

      Thank you for reading our blog and submitting your inquiry. This event does have a small cost associated with it and can be purchased onsite at the resort upon arrival.

      Best Regards,


  1. Can you tell us which events require a reservation and payment (and what the charge is for the dinners)? It would help to know if we need to make a reservation or if we even want to attend. Also, may I assume that we can be observers (say, of the oooking contest) and there is no charge for just watching?

    1. Hi Lynne,

      Thank you for reading our blog and leaving us your comment. It is best to book all events as far in advance as possible because access to all events are first come first serve. Also, that is correct, if you are not participating in the cooking demonstrations at this event then you do not have to pay. However, if you would like access to the viewing area, you would have to pay for the event. Please see the concierge at the resort for all pricing information and to purchase access to this event.

      Best regards,

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