Buletin de Febrero

Héctor viaja de PV a Cabo Experiencia de viaje escrito por Héctor Almedia, consultor gráfico de UVCI Si está buscando aprovechar al máximo su viaje cuando venga a México, una excelente manera de hacerlo es extendiendo su viaje a una segunda semana. Hacerlo le permite tener más tiempo para visitar más lugares, descansar más e incluso hacer algo […]

2021 Scam Update

Dear Valued Member, As you may have already heard, scams have been on the rise, especially since the onset of Covid-19. The unfortunate truth is many people are going through difficult times financially, emotionally, or otherwise. Now more than ever, scammers are looking to take advantage of the desperate, uninformed, innocent, and unsuspecting by contacting […]

Annette White Visits the Islands of Loreto

Travel Experience Written by Annette White If warm-water beaches, a secluded resort along the Sea of Cortez, world-class golf fit for the pros and margaritas o’plenty is your idea of a great getaway, then Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto is a bucket-list-worthy hotel resort not to miss. Tucked away along the sea […]

Member Ashley Antley Visits Cabo

Member Travel Experience Written by Ashley Antley We went to Cabo [Villa del Palmar Cabo] the week after Christmas 2021. It was our first time visiting any of the Villa Group properties and our first time in Cabo. It has now become one of our favorite places!!! And we travel all over the world! The […]

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