Eagle’s Wings Celebrates “Children’s Day”

This spring, Eagle’s Wings sister organization, Impulso de Aguila  AC, and their collection of wonderful volunteers, came together to support children in the poorest areas of Puerto Vallarta. The annual “Children’s Day” event celebrates the joy of childhood and attempts to lighten the burden of these needy children with festivities and toys.  More than 1,500 toys […]

New Website Sneak Peek

We are happy to announce that we are working on a new website layout! We have heard your feedback, and want to make the website a place where you can easily find the main information about your favorite destinations, your membership benefits, your club news and special announcements. The UVC International family has continued to grow, […]

Club Director Update

FREE Internet *Update* – We are so pleased and excited to announce that the Villa Group is now in the process of offering complimentary internet service to all members!  In an effort to respond to the many requests for enhanced internet services and to increase member benefits, the Villa Group invested in their own equipment […]

Club Director Update

FREE Internet *Update* – We are so pleased and excited to announce that the Villa Group is now in the process of offering complimentary internet service to all members!  In an effort to respond to the many requests for enhanced internet services and to increase member benefits, the Villa Group invested in their own equipment […]

New Policy for Resale Scams

New Policy for Resale Scams We are working closely with the federal and local law enforcement as well as ARDA (the American Resort Development Association) to put a stop to these occurrences which are, unfortunately, becoming more prevalent in our industry. ARDA has provided a helpful library of articles on this topic at http://www.arda.org/advisories. If […]

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