Calling all members! We are interested in sharing your fantastic member moments and learning about your extraordinary experiences at our resorts.

Starting in December of 2019, the Club Team has been engaging with our members by mailing out personally handwritten postcards along with custom UVCI gifts such as: water flasks, coffee tumblers, journals, beach bags, blankets, and more!

This giveaway is random, and we are continuing to mail out UVCI swag to members who are actively commenting, sharing photos and videos, or tagging us in their vacation photos on any of our UVCI social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest).
If you would like to receive one of our UVCI swag items, please engage with us on our platforms by posting a comment or photo about your vacation experiences at our resorts!

Each week we randomly select up to ten members to mail products to, and if you are active on our pages, there is a chance YOU may be the next lucky member to receive UVCI swag items in the mail from us!

We are so grateful to have you as our members and look forward to engaging with you more!
Member Marketing