Resort Activities Spotlight

We are pleased to announce our current member-only activities at each of the Villa Group Resorts! For a current program of these activities by resort, please visit the corresponding links below. These activities were created with you in mind and will continue to evolve so we can best provide you with an extraordinary vacation experience. 

Resort Member Activity Brochures:   

Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta   

Villa del Palmar Flamingos  

Villa del Palmar Cabo   

Villa del Arco   

Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto  

Onsite Favorite Vacation Photo Contest    

In the Resort Member Activity Brochures given out onsite at the resorts, there is now a QR Code that you can scan with your phone that will take you to a photo contest entry form. Each resort has their own unique entry form that will let you upload and enter your favorite photo from your vacation for a chance to win a free week. Prizes are given away on a quarterly basis. All winners will be contacted directly. There will be a maximum of one winner per destination per quarter.  

We look forward to welcoming you back to your home away from home soon to experience these revamped activities. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on member-only activities that you would like to see at the Villa Group Resorts, please leave us a comment in the comments section below. 

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6 thoughts on “Resort Activities Spotlight

    1. Hi Julie,

      Cancun was left off because this post was talking about activities only for members. Right now Cancun has activities that are combined for both members and guests. Here is a link to their current weekly activities:

      Best Regards,

      Marketing Team

  1. Ironically in the recent email with a link to ‘Resort Activities Spotlight’—Cancun is LEFT OFF & that is where I am headed & requesting a schedule of wellness activities please from Oct 21 – 29. Thank you!

    1. Hi Kym,

      Cancun was left off because this post was talking about activities only for members. Right now Cancun has activities that are combined for both members and guests. Here is a link to their current weekly activities:

      Additionally, the schedule for the wellness activities will be released in the next few weeks and we will update this post comment with that info once we have it.

      Enjoy Cancun!

    1. Hello Pam,

      Thank you for reading our blog and submitting your inquiry.

      Please note that the activities mentioned in this article are for members only. Villa La Valencia has many activities for both members and guests every day. Please click here to see Valencia’s activity schedule for September. Note that the activity schedule is subject to change at any time so it is best to ask the resort upon arrival for the most current one. The one provided here is for September 2022. Hope this helps.

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