Villa Group Update – Winter 2015

olym 1Another Evolution for Villa Group members – Introducing the 2015 All-Club Member Social!

Villa Group prides itself on leading the industry in developing progressive vacation products.  As we have grown we have moved from fixed weeks, to floating weeks, Premier Membership, Gold, Points, and now, our most flexible membership structure, the VPA Club.  However, no matter what the category, all members have something in common – each is part of the Villa Group family.

The Villa Group’s number one goal is to be inclusive and welcoming to all members.  Much of the content and format of the Annual Meeting applies to all members – resort information and updates,  details on programs and services, meeting staff and management, and of course the opportunity to rekindle old friendships and create new ones.   Villa Group realized that by planning a traditional UVC-only event, we were sending an incorrect message.  Although this year we included a small group of VPA Club members (former UVC members) in the meeting, we didn’t go big enough.  So effective immediately, planning for the “2015 All- Club Member Social” is underway!   The only portion we will be reformatting is the UVC election, since this is business that is related to only one of the Clubs.  Going forward the Member Social will offer events that apply to ANY Villa Group Club member. olym 3

The dates of the 2015 Member Social will be October 27-28, 2015 at the Villa del Palmar Flamingos. Registration information will be available online at sometime in January and a mailing will be sent to all members with the information.  Due to space constraints, registration is limited to the first 300 people. We sell out every year and start a waiting list, so if you are interested in attending please mark your calendars now!

We look forward to welcoming ALL our members back home next October for the Member Social.

Highlights from 2014’s Member Meeting (separate box)

  • EWF Bus Tour –This year a tour to Pasitos de Luz, the official designated charity, was held in the morning prior to the auction event so that participants could witness first-hand the upgrades the facility is undergoing in their quest to care for special needs and underprivileged children. This and other changes generated record-breaking donations totaling more than $30,000! (See page X.)
  • Meal Functions – We included breakfast and lunch at some of the meetings instead of holding them as free standing events in order to encourage greater participation.
  • Icebreaker Cocktail Reception– We re-introduced a member cocktail party. It was standing-room only and our fun Bingo game was a huge hit!
  • Resort Q&A Updates –To streamline the meeting we consolidated the updates and introduced a more intimate setting for the resorts to provide information one-on-one to members interested in that particular destination.
  • Extra events –This year we offered two special events. The first was a “beach clean-up” for our generous members that have expressed a desire to give back to the city and the environment. The second was a “Back of the House Tour” sneak peek at the inner workings of a major hotel property that showed  how things run and how hard all the employees work to create memorable vacation experiences for you.
  • A Night on Mt. Olympus Party –The Activities staff put on a fantastic show that incorporated dance performances inspired by favorite Greek mythology.bob signature
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