A Lifetime of Dedication

jim pg 10Even after his passing, Jim McCarthy, Founder of EWF and long-time UVC member and Director on the UVC Board, continues to give back to the country he loved. Eagle’s Wings Foundation was recently contacted by Jim’s step daughter who informed them of a wonderful donation from Jim’s estate in the amount of $125,000. That generosity is almost unbelievable – but not if you knew Jim.

Jim’s heart always belonged to the children of Mexico and helping them succeed was his highest priority. The Board decided that the donation should be divided among three educational scholarship programs in Mexico – Jacobo Becas, Becas Vallarta, and DIF Becas, in memory of Jim McCarthy. In Mexico children must pay to continue their secondary education. Pictured are some of the children the Foundation was able to help last year – this year Jim’s donation will help even more children improve their lives and their possibilities for the future.

What will your legacy be?

Of course not everyone has such a substantial amount to donate, but whether its $100 or $100,000, the intent is the same – to help others. That is a legacy anyone can leave. Remembering Eagles Wings Foundation in your financial planning can be done in various ways.  Charities can be beneficiaries of a will, an insurance policy or private foundation. Charitable tax credits, probate taxes, and other considerations for planned giving vary depending on your location and financial situation. Talk to your attorney or financial planner about the strategy that makes the most sense for your specific situation, as well as that honors your own beliefs about how inheritance should be divided among family and other priorities. And of course you can start now by opting each year to contribute an additional $10 on your maintenance fee bill towards this great cause.

Thank you Jim, and to all who support Eagle’s Wings Foundation

The EWF Board of Directors

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