Charitable Giving is Not Just for the Wealthy!

056A-1000x885Eagle’s Wings Foundation- Charitable Giving is Not Just for the Wealthy!

No one goes through life alone, and all of us have needed help along the way, whether it’s physical, financial or spiritual.  During difficult times we are reminded that there is always more to do to serve others.  More than 80% of Americans contribute to nonprofit groups of their choice throughout their lifetimes. But, according to research conducted in 2000, only around 8% of people chose to continue this support through a charitable bequest.  Your planned gift can help Eagle’s Wings Foundation continue its important work helping orphanages, education programs, homes for the elderly, medical and dental programs and much more.

Many people want to make charitable gifts but need to do so in a way that meets their personal, family, or financial needs.  Charitable tax credits, probate taxes, annuities, trusts, and other considerations for planned giving vary depending on your location and financial situation. Talk to your attorney or financial planner about the strategy that makes the most sense for you.

You can give back to those less fortunate, many of whom live just a few miles from the resorts.  Gifts large and small are important. Whatever the amount, the intent is the same – to help others. No amount is too small.

What a meaningful way to thank the beautiful country of Mexico for all your years of memorable and happy vacations!


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