Eagle’s Wings Foundation Fundraiser a Success

The Eagle’s Wings Foundation recently held its annual fundraiser in Nuevo Vallarta at Villa del Palmar Flamingos during the Annual Member Social this past October.  With over 300 people in attendance, the evening was a great success. The event included raffles, live auction, silent auction and more.  Prizes included restaurant and spa certificates, jewelry, excursions, week-long trips– and much more. Below is a list of all of our fantastic volunteers. We would like to thank everyone involved in this event for making this fundraiser such a success!

-Sharen Shumaker

-Judy & Bill Brine

-Terrie Sanders

-Shea Newton

-Crystal Dueker & David Butler

-Lori Dedic

-Deb McPherson

-Gert Baumann

-Shirley Wegrzynowski

-Elaine Stamper

-Robin Larson

-Bob Hix

-Wanda & Bruce Block

-Jim Heilman

-Donna & Chris Mostad

-Liz Ramsey

-Gay Elfand

-Tim & Kathy Bush

-Jack Underwood

-Rossy Ruiz

The final total collected was more than $30,000 – AND these funds are all being matched by the Villa Group, bringing the total to $60,000! These funds will help the Eagle’s Wings Foundation provide programs and services to the local community. Your donations have and will continue to help many individuals in need and we are so grateful for your support!

Best Regards,

Dolores Underwood, EWF Board and Executive Committee, Event Chairwoman


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2 thoughts on “Eagle’s Wings Foundation Fundraiser a Success

    1. Hi William,

      Thank you for reading our blog and submitting your inquiry.

      I am forwarding your email to the Foundation so that they can follow-up with you directly. In the meantime, we than you for your patience.

      Best Regards,


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