Eagle’s Wings Foundation Updates


Eagle’s Wings Foundation distributes funds to charities in the communities of Villa Group Resorts. The Foundation helps thousands of people by supporting orphanages, assisted living facilities, education and physical therapy, and more.

Every year Eagle’s Wings leads an annual bus tour so that our members can be a part of making a difference in the communities that provide us with wonderful vacation memories. This year’s tour will be to the Pasitos de Luz future site and attendees will be able to see all the upgrades the facility is undergoing in their quest to provide care for special needs and underprivileged children.

Giving Program Available! If you would like to contribute to Eagles Wings Foundation, you may choose to give a one-time donation of any amount, or set up an automatic monthly donation.  No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible. Please click here for more information on Eagle’s Wings.

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