How to Celebrate Thanksgiving in Mexico

Each holiday season comes with high expectations. Thanksgiving is one of the most loved holidays that urges us to stop and think about what we can be grateful for. Even though the special day is mostly celebrated in Northern America, it doesn’t mean you have to skip it when visiting Mexico. Your favorite feasting holiday might look a bit different than usual, but don’t let that scare you. Our resorts are the perfect place to have Thanksgiving day and count your blessings. After all – being grateful comes naturally when you are in such a beautiful place like Mexico.  

Even if you are not American, you have probably heard about Thanksgiving Day – an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada. The beautiful celebration admires the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Although the history behind the special day is quite controversial, most Americans believe that Thanksgiving is based on a 1621 harvest feast which was organized by the Pilgrims of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people.  

A huge part of Thanksgiving is having delicious food. A typical meal includes potatoes, turkey, bread stuffing, and pumpkin pie. The celebration, which takes place on the fourth Thursday of November, is one of the most popular holidays in whole America. That is when family members and friends visit each other and discuss what has happened during the past year. So why not celebrate Thanksgiving Day with us in Mexico? 

Have a Friendsgiving 

Suppose you are traveling together with your family and loved ones – perfect! Spending the celebration in one of our resorts will be a pure pleasure. But if you happen to visit Mexico on your own, don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to make this day special. For example, round up the friends you have met that also have chosen to stay in town and plan a Friendsgiving. Have a cozy dinner and spend some time bonding. After all – the celebration is all about being with people that make you feel good. And what better way to do so than in a pretty place like Mexico? 

Try the traditional meals (or something new) 

Probably one of the best ways of celebrating Thanksgiving is by trying new foods and flavors. In our resorts, you don’t have to have a single worry on your mind as your dinner is going to be prepared by a professional cook. What is more, you will have the chance to taste special Thanksgiving menus. To learn more about the offer and its pricing, make sure to follow our social media for holiday announcements as we get closer to this date.  

Sure, turkey is great. But have you tried Enmoladas or Pozole? Thanksgiving in Mexico has its benefits! 

Why it is important to be thankful 

Did you know that giving thanks can actually make you happier? It is scientifically proven. Thanksgiving is all about being grateful. With gratitude, people can acknowledge the goodness in their lives, which is crucial, especially in today’s world, when we are constantly running, trying to achieve new levels and heights. People who are grateful feel more positive emotions, have better health, and build stronger relationships. What better way to practice gratitude than down in beautiful Mexico?  

 How can you cultivate thankfulness? 

Of course, being grateful doesn’t always come easy. It takes some practice. Here are some tips for cultivating your thankfulness. All of these can be practiced by the beach or a beautiful place of your choosing on your next vacation! 

  1. Write a thank-you note. You can definitely think of at least one person that has made your day (or life) a bit better. So whether it’s your mom, boyfriend, or next-door neighbor, try to write them a small thank you letter. By nurturing relationships with others, you will make yourself feel better.  
  2. Thank someone (even if it’s mentally). If you are not that into writing, just saying “thank you” in your thoughts can do some wonders too. 
  3. Write down your blessings. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in everything that is going around. Thanksgiving, therefore, is the perfect time to sit down and write down all the things you are grateful for. Pick a number (whatever seems alright) and think about specific moments when something good happened. 
  4. Meditate. If you haven’t tried meditation before, perhaps Thanksgiving is the right time to take it up. Although people usually focus on a specific word, you may also think about what you are thankful for (for example, a pleasant sound or a feeling). 
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