We are happy to announce that we are working on a new website layout! We have heard your feedback, and want to make the website a place where you can easily find the main information about your favorite destinations, your membership benefits, your club news and special announcements. The UVC International family has continued to grow, and as such we want to grow in our abilities to service you online. You can see a screenshot on this page of what our new website is beginning to look like, and you will see that our logo more closely resembles that of the Villa Group, which are the developers of these amazing properties we call our “home away from home”. We have also taken our newsletter into the digital realm which allows you to access the articles more easily, rather than having to download and print each article. You can also now easily reference past articles that were of particular interest for you. Once our new website is live, there will be a link to the newsletter articles right on the home page (we are also calling this our Blog). UVC International is continuing it’s tradition of moving forward and utilizing technology to add value to your world-class vacation membership. We thank you all for your patience as we begin implementing these new upgrades to the communication that we are providing to you. Keep your eye out for our new website to be live later this year! The team at UVC International has been hard at work to make your membership experience less complicated, and filled with more fun! As some of you know, we have been very active on Facebook for the past few years, and we have several of you as fans of our page already! If you haven’t yet become our fan, then visit www.facebook.com/myuvci or click on the Facebook link below. We are also on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter!

Our goal is to connect with you in as many ways as possible, and remind you why you purchased your membership with us in the first place. We value all of our members and are constantly trying to make improvements that will positively impact the relationships that we have built with you, and continue to allow them to grow.