Over 20 Years of Creating Vacation Memories

My husband and I have been visiting Puerto Vallarta for over twenty years. We love this beautiful and friendly city and enjoy coming back annually. Every year, we bring our children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren to Puerto Vallarta for a family reunion. We have been able to watch our grandchildren grow up experiencing the charming culture of Puerto Vallarta. We first started bringing our oldest grandchild, Kayla, when she was eight years old, and she is now thirty years old and married with three children of her own.

Every year, we choose to partake in many different activities, but the Marigalante Pirate Ship is the one activity we do every single year as a family. This daytime cruise is a favorite for all of us. Not only are we well fed, but we continue to enjoy the breathtaking views of Banderas Bay. We particularly enjoy our Private Pirate who waits on us the entire day and personally ensures that we have access to all the fun water activities. The entertainment is fantastic for young and old alike. Each year, we take a family photo aboard the Marigalante Pirate Ship, and it is fun to put these photos side by side to see how all the children have grown.

All four generations are grateful for the opportunity to reconnect annually with family in our gorgeous home away from home. We can’t get enough of this vibrant and beautiful city, and we look forward to our next annual family reunion and many more to come!

Your fellow member,

Dolores Underwood

If you have a vacation experience that you would like us to share please email it to Brittany at bblanscet@blog.myuvci.com and your story could be featured in an upcoming newsletter and/or on social media!

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