Service Fee Increase

At each resort, it is always a pleasure to welcome you and invite you to experience total relaxation in our exceptional facilities. We are honored to be your hosts. All of our staff members, even those you don’t meet face-to-face, are committed to providing the highest quality service to make your stay truly spectacular.  Since the inception of […]

Boletín Noviembre 2021

Resumen del evento social anual 2021 para socios El glamour, la elegancia y el encanto destacaron en el evento Social Anual 2021 para socios que se llevó a cabo del 20 al 21 de octubre de 2021 en Villa del Palmar Flamingos en la hermosa Riviera Nayarit. El tema de este año fue “Un baile en blanco y negro”. Cada año, UVC International […]

2021 Annual Member Social Recap

Glam, elegance, and delight highlighted the 2021 Annual Member Social hosted October 20-21, 2021 at Villa Del Palmar Flamingos in beautiful Riviera Nayarit. This year’s theme was “A Black & White Ball.” Each year UVC International hosts The Annual Member Social event as an opportunity for members to interact with other members and the club team as well as learn more about […]

Boletín de octubre 2021

Su cóctel para socios Reúnase con nosotros en nuestro cóctel semanal para socios para conocer a otros socios, al personal administrativo del resort y disfrutar de un evento social con entretenimiento, cócteles y aperitivos. El horario del cóctel para socios varía según el resort (horarios a continuación). Esté atento a una invitación una vez que llegue a […]

Winter Holidays at Our Resorts

Stunning surroundings, friendly people, and great weather – Mexico has everything one might need for a perfect vacation. As autumn begins, the holiday season is approaching closer too, and Villa Group Resorts has plans to make it better than ever. Fun-filled parties, five-course meals, and great music are just a few of the surprises you […]

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