Service Fee Increase

At each resort, it is always a pleasure to welcome you and invite you to experience total relaxation in our exceptional facilities. We are honored to be your hosts. All of our staff members, even those you don’t meet face-to-face, are committed to providing the highest quality service to make your stay truly spectacular. 

Since the inception of the daily resort service fee program, the daily resort fee has been $3.50. As a result of global changes in the hospitality industry, the daily service fee will increase to $4.00 per day for all Resorts effective January 1, 2022. This daily resort service fee is assessed when you check-in and pay upon checkout. It is shared between all onsite team members except managers and directors. It is a hospitality industry standard in México, and has been supported and requested by our local hotel labor unions. 

Our resorts take pride in our employees who takes pride in making our resorts your home away from home. We believe each and every one of them deserves the opportunity to be appreciated directly by the members they work so hard for. Thank you for recognizing their efforts, and for being part of our member family.  

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26 thoughts on “Service Fee Increase

  1. I’m glad to see the increase for staff. They do an excellent job and prices also increase for them. I hope the increase is enough to cover what they lose due to price increases.

  2. It has been $3.50 as long as I can remember, I’ll gladly pay $4.00. They are some of the kindest hard working folks who always make us feel welcome.

  3. How do we know the employees are actually getting this money and all of it? Also, is it split equally or graduated? If graduated, whats the ladder? Whats the average daily or weekly pay out to the employees?

    1. Hi Mikel,

      The fee is split equally and the amount given depends on how many people are travelling during that time (how much service fee is collected for the staff).

  4. I completely disagree. This has nothing to do with tipping the staff we have face to face contact with. It’s the grounds keepers, maintenance workers, kitchen staff, etc. that make very little money and don’t benefit from tips. $4 per day is nothing compared to most hotels within the states (average in Vegas is $40 per day). In my opinion, a $.50 per day ($3.50 per week) increase after many many years is certainly reasonable. Since it is shared among hundreds of workers, it can’t possibly disincentivize them to continue to provide exceptional service.

  5. I have witnessed resort staffs whether a waiter, bartender, activity person have gone above and beyond their normal daily activities just to make our stay more pleasant, fun and safer in this COVID-19 era.
    When airline increase their fees, do we stop flying!? when gas companies increase their gas prices, do we stop driving!?
    This nominal increase should not and would not affect as how we should appreciate their tireless efforts to make us feel at home while abroad. I believe Staff would continue their works, irregardless of how much service fees are today.

  6. I’m glad your staff is being taken care of by the daily fee. I always worried those who work so hard behind the scenes are left unappreciated. Every job is important to make a resort run smoothly.

  7. Your staff are exceptional and considering the extras they have had to incorporate for expanded safety measures and hardships with loss of travellers this last 18 months, I think this 50 cents a day increase is more than reasonable. We will also continue to provide gratuity for the amazing service we receive. Thank you for taking care of your staff while continuing to keep these fees reasonable.

  8. I don’t really think that an extra .50 cents per day is going to break the bank. Mexico is an inexpensive vacation to begin with. Everyone bends over backwards to insure that you are well taken care of. Pay it forward.

  9. Is this “service fee,” designed to take place of gratuities?
    Will guests receive the same quality of service if tips aren’t given, as in many European destinations?

    1. Hi Michael,

      We already have a service fee of $3.50 per day currently and starting January 1, 2022 it goes up to this new rate. This is like tip money. If you’d like to give additional tips on top of this you may and that is up to each person’s discretion.

  10. So to be clear…. This “service fee” is to be split in equal shares to the Room Maid who cleans our room, the porter who carries our luggage to our room, to the waitress who serves our food and drinks, the grounds keeper who takes care of the grounds. All of this money is split among them on top of their salaries? Is this correct?

  11. It truly is the staff who make or break the vacation. This is a price increase that I can appreciate as it is well deserved!

  12. We are happy to see our extended family at VDP receive the additional service fee. We will continue to also tip those that serve us and even more for some of the exceptional performers. We love our VDP family and friends.

    1. Hi David,

      Thank you for reading our blog and submitting your feedback. We are happy to hear that you enjoy VDP and look forward to welcoming you back soon.

      Best Regards,

      Your UVCI Family

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