Villa Group Update-Member Spotlight

Rowan and Crystal Harper met and fell in love through their vacations at the Villa Group Resorts! They are VPA Club members that have stayed at Villa del Palmar Cabo, Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loréto, and are planning their next trip to Villa del Palmar Cancun. Here is their story in Rowan Harper’s words:

January 2013; my first trip to Cabo San Lucas. I accepted an invitation to play golf with my business partner and 8 mates. After a first round of golf, 10 of us went down to the poolside for lunch. Upon entering La Parilla restaurant, I was immediately taken-aback by a blonde sitting at a table with her friend. Introductions quickly followed and for the next few hours we all indulged in food and drinks together.  The ladies agreed to meet for dinner at Villa del Arco later that evening, but did not show.


After numerous attempts to reach “my blonde,” Crystal, we made contact at 11:30pm (the girls had inadvertently taken a 6 hour nap) and agreed to meet downtown at The NoWhere Bar. Happily, we connected, and after many hours arrived back at the resort after a night of dancing, drinking and neighborhood tacos. A courtesy goodnight kiss on the cheek followed. Teased for chasing Crystal all night, I retreated to my condo for a couple hours of sleep before heading out for day two’s golf excursion. At 7:30 am I headed down to grab a quick bite for breakfast at La Casona. Lo and behold, there awaited “my blonde” sitting at a table, there to share a cup of coffee and send me off for the day with great vibes.  Truth be told, I lost every golf match following, over the next 4 days.  I had, knowingly at the time, met my future wife.

After 4 more days together, Crystal and I returned to our respective homes (me to Laguna Beach, and she to Scottsdale). We reconnected 3 days later and have been inseparable since.  We’ve enjoyed 7 subsequent trips to Cabo, endless pool time and belly flop competitions, the purchase of our timeshare as a VPA Club member, and the renting of a penthouse in Cabo San Lucas where we got married on 12/13/14 and have loved being part of the Villa Group family.

Much love,

Rowan, Crystal, Cameron (17) and Luke (10)


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0 thoughts on “Villa Group Update-Member Spotlight

  1. A wonderful story! I’m happy for you and envious of you. I’ve loved Villa del Palmar every other year since 2000. Never thought of the possibility of meeting that “Someone Special.” Now, saying this while smiling for you..”There goes another one in a million chances.” I wish you continued happiness. Maybe now, beginning in just a few days with my Oct 15th Week, I will begin thinking of the possibility of finding a “Someone Special.” Thanks for sharing your lovely story. Jean from Charleston, SC

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