Your On Call Benefits Explained

Did you know that all Gold and VPA members are automatically enrolled in the Standard Travel Protection Plan with On Call Travel Protection?

This Standard Travel Protection Plan includes up to $50,000 emergency medical transportation, up to $1,000 return of minor children, and emergency travel funds assistance. Gold members can then purchase the protection plan upgrade for just $15! * Non-Gold and non-VPA members can purchase a plan through On Call for $44.99 USD per year, if desired. Click here to see a full explanation of these details and what is included in the different On Call plans 

 “On Call International” is a 24/7 protection plan that covers a variety of services provided to an individual in need of emergency assistance. This protection allows members to have emergency air evacuation (as medically required), medical and travel assistance, and peace of mind while vacationing. 

Read along to learn more about this protection plan and to understand why this is an important benefit for you and your loved ones. Below are some of the most frequent questions members ask regarding On Call.  

Q: Should we contact On Call first or our regular health insurance provider? Does it matter who contacts On Call?   

A: Whenever you find yourself in a medical emergency always contact 911 first. Once safe, stable, and out of harm’s way, please notify On Call as soon as possible. We will open a case if one has not already been opened. Any party can call and open a case on a member’s behalf, including resort staff. 

Q: What are the benefits of having OnCall Travel Protection vs. “regular” travel insurance? 

A: With the Standard Travel Plan you are covered for certain services anytime you are travelling to, from, our while at one of our resorts. For the Upgraded and Prime Plans, coverage is available when traveling 100 miles or more away from home and even more services specific to when you are traveling to, from, or while at your resort. This service applies year-round, no matter how many trips you take. Trips up to 14 days in length are eligible. Most travel insurances are purchased on a per trip basis and cover a single designated trip at a time and can cost upwards of hundreds of dollars per person per trip. The On Call Travel Protection Plans are a membership program offered exclusively to those members via ResortCom International, giving you an excellent rate for the coverage you are receiving.  

Q: How does reimbursement for medical or travel benefits work? 

A: Certain travel benefits are exclusive to when you are traveling to, from, or while staying at your resort. These exclusive claims can be directly submitted to On Call International for review and consideration. Proof or documentation of the recorded loss must accompany the claims request. 

For the medical expense benefits under the traveling to, from or while at your resort, the member or guest must first submit their medical bill into their primary insurance first and obtain an EOB (explanation of benefits form). The member or guest can then submit the remaining expenses along with the EOB from their primary insurances into On Call for review and claims consideration. Reimbursement may be declined for medical evacuation and repatriation situations where we are not notified or did not assist. 

Q: If I purchase the On Call Travel Protection Plan who in my party is covered under that plan? 

A: The On Call Travel Protection membership applies to anyone listed on the ResortCom contract for benefits. Example, if spouses are both listed on the contract, the wife will be covered by the benefit no matter if she is traveling with the husband or not. 

Should the spouses have a child that was not listed on the resort contract, the child would not be eligible for services if traveling alone without the parents unless he was traveling to their designated resort and had a verified guest certificate. 

Anyone traveling with the members (up to 6 traveling companions total) are covered for benefits. 

Guests are covered for benefits when they have a verified guest certificate (and then therefore do not need to be with those listed on the contract if traveling to their designated resort). 

Q: How will I know which city or hospital I will be transferred to? What medical services will be covered? 

A: Anyone experiencing a medical emergency should immediately contact the local 911 services to be transported safely from the scene of an incident to a local medical facility. On Call steps into action once you are at the hospital. On Call will always take into consideration patient and family requests; however, the health and safety of patients comes first. 

Once at the medical facility, if it is determined that the facility is not medically equipped to treat your specific medical needs, the On Call travel protection plan will consult with the local treating doctors and will move the patient by means of ground or air ambulance to the closest appropriate medical facility to treat their specific needs. 

Upon arriving at the designated appropriate facility and stable to do so, On Call International will work to coordinate the appropriate means for the patient to return all the way home within the eligible benefits and terms and conditions of the membership. 

On Call Travel Protection offers a variety of protection plans to fit every member’s financial, medical, and travel needs. Click here for a summary of benefits that are available and to view details regarding your membership type. 

*All services must be arranged and provided by On Call International. Please read your description of coverage carefully to better understand all services available to you for your specific program, as well as any rules, regulations, and exclusions. For more information on these services please visit, and to protect yourself when you travel, please call the Annual Travel Protection Hotline at 1-866-816-2087 and a knowledgeable agent will assist you. 

Please note that Club Caribe, Garza Blanca Residence Club, and TAFER Residence Club members are also automatically enrolled in the Standard Travel Protection Plan.  

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