Your Other Familia – the Villa Group Staff

caboYour Other Familia – the Villa Group Staff

What an amazing group of people!  We are so proud of the staff and their dedication.   During the days immediately following the hurricane, the government distributed care packages to those families affected. However, if the government representative came by your home and you were not there, they would not deliver.  Since many of our staff were on site taking care of our members and guests, they would have missed this vital opportunity to receive much-needed supplies.  But because of the love and generosity of the owners, Fernando Gonzalez, Owen Perry and Luz Maria Torres, our staff were taken care of.  They brought supplies in privately and distributed care packages at the resort made up of staples such as rice and dry beans (most folks have gas in their homes to cook with), cans of tuna, cans of vegetables, small juice boxes, water and eggs. This program is being repeated again shortly.  The resort is opening their doors to house those in need.  It is hosting 80 rooms to government officials, and also has provided 60 rooms to staff members most directly affected by the hurricane who are being housed at the resort until they can return home.  For those who needed to evacuate their wives or children, the owners of the resort generously flew them to Puerto Vallarta.  A list of staff in need is being compiled and managed by the Villa Group Human Resources Manager. Further, the Villa Group executive team is working on a plan with the owners to rebuild lost homes.cabo2

How to Help – Cabo Relief Fund – We have been asked by many generous members and guests how they can best provide assistance to the people of Los Cabos and any staff affected by Hurricane Odile. We have determined the most effective way for us to coordinate these efforts is through the Eagle’s Wings Foundation. Many of you are already familiar with our non-profit sister organization and its mission to provide assistance to various charitable organizations in the Villa Group resort destinations. The reason we directed the donations to Eagle’s Wings is because they are an established and reputable organization in Mexico, they have an existing donation vehicle already in place through PayPal, and the Board’s Executive Committee has the power to very quickly disperse funds where needed without getting bogged down in red tape. They are still in the process of assessing what needs to be done and part of that is identifying staff and community projects that need immediate assistance.  You can trust that the money will get to where it needs to go. EWF has been a long-time supporter of the Cabo community, and today more than ever they want to join with you to reach out a loving hand to assist those in need.


To donate to the relief efforts for those affected by Hurricane Odile please visit the EWF site and click on the “donate” button which will direct you to the PayPal donation link. All donations received are tax deductible in the United States. Donations received through October 15 will be earmarked directly for Cabo Relief and a receipt can be provided upon request. These donations will not be included in the funds collected throughout the year for general grant purposes. The EWF Board of Directors will be directly responsible for prioritizing need within Cabo and the Villa Group staff, and will confer to distribute funds swiftly and efficiently. Please visit the EWF website at today and click on the “donate” button to help those in need. Our collection efforts have already begun; please help us to help as many people as possible!


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