Dear Member, First off, I want to send you and your families the biggest of hugs and well wishes during this trying time. As many of us in the world are facing the COVID-19 Pandemic, we want you each to know we are here for you. Being part of our vacation clubs means you’re part […]
Buletin de Marzo
Información del vicepresidente: ¡Un mensaje de nuestra familia para los suyos! Querido miembro, Esperamos que se encuentre bien. Entendemos la seriedad del COVID-19 y queremos que sepa que siempre estamos aquí para ayudarlo. Como miembro de nuestra familia de clubes vacacionales, queremos compartir con usted las actualizaciones más recientes sobre el COVID-19 y cómo está afectando a […]
Buletin de Febrero
Ganador del tercer lugar del concurso Member Travel Story escrito por Kelsey Kitchen Was Nuestra historia de viaje favorita en Villa del Arco fue el pasado junio cuando yo (Kelsey) me casé y nuestra estadía de dos semanas fue un sueño hecho realidad. Mis papás y yo hemos sido miembros desde 2007 y desde entonces nos hemos alojado […]
Buletin de Enero
Disfrute el viaje… Hace poco visite a mi familia en el sur de California cuando mi sobrina y sobrino de nueve años querían ir a la playa. Entusiastamente, siendo un buen tío, estuve de acuerdo. Mientras conducíamos rumbo a la playa, impacientemente preguntaban a cada rato: “¿Ya llegamos?”. Estoy seguro de que nuestros miembros han experimentado este escenario una o dos veces. […]
Training at our Resorts
We value you as our member and want to ensure that each and every vacation experience you have with us is extraordinary. We are committed to providing an elite standard of service with the most innovative on-site experiences. In accordance with this, our staff is regularly trained and expected to adhere to the highest level […]
Upcoming Events Through April
We are here to help you plan an extraordinary vacation experience. Make your next trip a memorable one by joining us for these activities the next time you stay with us at our resorts. Read along to find out details about our specially crafted resort events for the next two months. March: Villa del Palmar […]
Food & Beverage Feature
We invite guests to taste and experience all the luxury that the Villa Group has to offer. Join us in paradise and explore our exquisite fine-dining options and participate in our fun and entertaining Food and Beverage Activities. See below for more details! Restaurants at Our Resorts Villa del Palmar Flamingos and Villa del Palmar […]
Member Wallet: Are You Enrolled?
In November of 2019, Resortcom announced a new member benefit for you – the ResortCom Digital Wallet! This tool allows you to conveniently and securely store payment options at your fingertips to pay your loan, maintenance fee, and reservation payments. You can also set default credit cards for each type of payment. Watch this video […]
Random Giveaway
Calling all members! We are interested in sharing your fantastic member moments and learning about your extraordinary experiences at our resorts. Starting in December of 2019, the Club Team has been engaging with our members by mailing out personally handwritten postcards along with custom UVCI gifts such as: water flasks, coffee tumblers, journals, beach bags, […]
Scam Update
Universal Vacation Club International, the Villa Group, and ResortCom are working together to inform all of our members about the measures that they can take to protect themselves from scams. Be aware that scammers frequently pose as people or companies that you may be familiar with. They also pressure you to give them money, “act […]