Club Director Update – Winter 2015

Transparency and clear communication are top priorities for us.  Recently, we received some inquiries and we believe that by sharing them with you it will be helpful to all members.  We hope whenever you have questions you reach out to your Club Member Servicing representatives. Your feedback and interaction is what helps us become better and better, and allows us to provide more value to your membership.  Here are some examples of the questions we have received:


Children’s Facilities – Do any of the facilities have children facilities? Do they ever plan on adding this to Flamingos?

There is no current plan to add on a playground area at Flamingos as the space is already very limited. This is true for the existing properties. However, the newer properties, such as those in Loreto and Cancun, are more spacious and have more flexibility in developing these types of areas.  Currently, all properties offer Kids Clubs and children’s programs and activities.  Please check with the Activities staff for schedule, games and age-appropriate toys while onsite.

Guests – What is the money for the guest cert used for? Why the big increase? Why do I need one for a guest staying in a separate unit then me at the same time I am here? I can’t stay in 2 places at once.

Guest certificate fees are used to cover administrative costs.  These administrative costs are incurred because you, as the member, are not using the room in which your guest is staying. This would be the same even if you are at the resort and your guests are staying in a separate room. The fee has been the same for approximately 10 years.  Guest fees are a standard industry practice used by many other resorts as well as the exchange companies. 

Day Passes – Can a guest registered at one resort visit and use facilities of another for the day?

Yes, day passes are available and granted based on availability at the specific resorts.  Please check with the Front Desk to ask for more information on the specifics of that resort’s day pass.

Online Check In  – Can we please do “online” check in/check out to ease the time and pain of it all?

 We hope to be able to offer this great service next year. The technology is available within the industry and we are working with management and operations to understand how our current systems would interface with this type of program. There are technical and operational details to work out but it is a priority and one we continue to explore.

Transportation – Vallarta – Why aren’t shuttles offered to take guests to Mega or Bucerias on a daily basis? Taxis are pretty expensive.

This is primarily a transportation union issue. The laws are such where individual resorts are not allowed to offer competing transportation services.  We have hope one day to be able to offer a solution, but for now we have to work within the system This issue is part of ongoing discussions regarding public transportation, public services, and the choices offered to visitors to Mexico. Some progress has been made and we look to see this improve in the future.

Elite Benefits – Why do the elite amenities vary from resort to resort?

They should not vary from resort to resort. The resorts are tasked with fulfilling the program features as they are communicated to Elite members.  The Club Director has held a series of meetings regarding standardizing and maintaining the Elite benefits across all properties and it is a priority to follow up on this each time she visits Mexico.  We are working as a team with the resorts to ensure we have all of these benefits standardized.

Spanish Only – I request all the information that is sent, is only in Spanish. I do not understand English and I have requested several times and have had no response satisfaction.

The majority of our members are English speaking and therefore materials are produced in English. However, if you receive communication from us and need something translated we will be happy to accommodate this request. We also print the welcome packages, newsletters, and miscellaneous member forms such as billing statements, in Spanish.

Transfer Ownership/Resale – I don’t understand the procedure to transfer ownership. Is there a department/office where to register a unit for sale?

If you are just transferring ownership, it is an easy process. You can go online to download the form or request it from Member Services. The form is simple to complete. There is a one- time processing fee and you’re done.  If you are selling your week, it’s different.  We do not have a resale service. Unfortunately, there are a number of unethical companies out there that perpetrate different frauds and scams trying to convince you that they can sell your timeshare quickly.  These are not reputable companies and we do not we recommend any resale service at this time.

Rhonda Signature

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