Daily Service Fee – Industry Standard, Explained

Our resorts have supported a mandatory service fee for ten years, when it was first implemented in response to changing industry standards and appeals from hospitality unions that staff our resorts. If you have traveled to any of our resorts in that time, this fee has been added to your bill at checkout.

Directly Benefits the Employees

The fee is shared between all staff, including the housekeepers, landscapers, security staff, laundry workers, non-managerial administrative staff, and others, and they all share these pooled fees. We believe that even though these employees do not always interact personally with the members, they all contribute to your vacation experience, and as such deserve to be recognized for their efforts and appreciated directly by the members and guests of the resort.  The only staff that are excluded are Food & Beverage staff (that department utilizes gratuities added directly to the meal bills), Bell Desk staff (these employees are tipped directly by members for their services), and executives/managers.

The resort wages are very competitive within the industry and particularly for Mexico, and the Developer and Hotel Operations teams offer many benefits to the employees such as medical insurance, continuing education, English language classes, assistance with education and supplies for the staff’s children, internship opportunities and many others. The daily service fee is an industry standard in Mexico, and all hotel and timeshare resorts have been charging this fee for many years. Due to inflation, effects of covid, and other economic factors, our neighboring resorts have increased their daily service fees while we have not. This difference was affecting our ability to retain staff despite offering very competitive salaries and human resource benefits. Retention is one of our top priorities and we know how much our members look forward to seeing the same friendly faces year after year. Therefore, the operations and management executives have determined that revising their policy and basing the fee on the unit size, instead of a flat fee, is the most fair and equitable way to balance the needs of our staff and adopt industry best practices.

Sliding Scale

We understand that our members love staying at our resorts for extended periods of time. As such, we have always provided discounts based on the length of stay. The daily fee is decremented for stays that are over 14 nights. These nightly service fee decreases based on the number of nights you decide to stay. When staying two months, you fall in the lowest tier which comes to $3.00 per night in a Studio, $4.00 per night in a one bedroom, $6.00 per night in a two bedroom, and $8.00 per night in a 3 bedroom or larger. The previous fee was $4.00 and long-term stays were discounted.

  • 1-14 nights is the standard rate
  • 15-30 nights is a new rate
  • 31-45 nights is a new rate
  • 46+ nights is a new rate

Comparative Fees

The new fee structure is far less than many resort fees charge throughout Latin America, which in certain resorts and destinations can run from $15-$50 per night.  You’re welcome to review various online forums. To assist, we have provided several examples below of resorts in Cabo and Cancun which charge daily fees far greater than our resort partners. Resort fees are also standard practice in the United States and throughout the hospitality industry. Unlike other resorts who charge a daily resort fee, ours goes directly to team members, not to provide amenities such as gym access or Wi-Fi, which are already included in your stay.

  • Hilton Los Cabos- 10% daily
  • Marriott Cabo 10%
  • Marriott Cancun- $35.00 per day
  • Westin Cancun- $36.00 per day
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