Eagle’s Wings Foundation – Dedicated to Helping the Children of Mexico

“A child without education is like a bird without wings.”  EWF has long supported education for the children of Mexico, and one program it has long supported is the Volcanes Community Education Program in Puerto Vallarta. Public schools in Mexico are underfunded, and many families cannot afford to have their children continue past elementary or middle school. Volcanes scholarships allow children to continue their education to enhance their employment opportunities and allow them to work towards breaking the cycle of poverty. 

Each year, EWF grants scholarship funds for Volcanes students. This year, the story of one special student is especially gratifying. Francisco Ramos (Dr. Paco) completed 5 years of medical studies and will finish one year of intern service in June. He will then become an official doctor licensed to practice medicine. Paco was Volcanes’ first scholarship student when it started the school 11 years ago, and Eagle Wings Foundation was its first sponsor. Paco is a wonderful example of what EWF hopes will be a continuous flow of Volcanes students giving back to their communities in meaningful and lasting ways.  

Another special program EWF funded during 2020/2021 was the distribution of computer tablets for the children of Villa Group employees. When the pandemic necessitated school closures, children had to switch to home school. However, many of them did not have the financial resources for computers that would allow them to continue learning.  Eagle’s Wings Foundation filled this gap by raising $25,000 to purchase computer tablets. The tablets were distributed during a wonderful “graduation-inspired” ceremony, with gift bags, balloons, cake, and a celebratory atmosphere. 

Eagle’s Wings Foundation (EWF) is the Villa Group and Tafer Development’s sister charitable organization. It was founded by Villa Group partners and member Jim McCarthy to show appreciation for the unforgettable destinations and their communities that members enjoy year after year and to give back to those communities

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