Helpful Travel Tips

The government mandates have resulted in changes to air travel due to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Fortunately, we have composed some travel tips to help you safely and efficiently navigate the airways. See below for details. We urge you to follow these tips so that your return to your beach resort paradise is as seamless as possible!

Travel Tips

  • Contact the airline(s) that you are traveling with before arrival. Be sure to confirm and understand their new travel requirements (i.e., facemasks, sanitation, etc.).
  • Leave for your flights in advance so that you can compensate for any delays due to the increased sanitation requirements that have been put in place for all travelers.
  • Airlines and other transportation services are focusing on your safety as their top priority, so come to the airport packed with patience and understanding.
  • Do your best to mentally prepare for new government-mandated practices that may impact your travel experience, such as, but not limited to, flight cancellations, potential quarantines upon arrival, and/or temperature checks upon landing.
  • Social distancing is the new normal. Anticipate limitations on the number of people allowed through security at once. Also, be mindful that regular practices such as check-in and baggage claim may take longer than it usually would.

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  • To prevent any travel delays, you’ll want to plan out your navigation route throughout and around the airport well in advance. Try not to linger in crowded areas or seating areas for longer than you need to.
  • If you are using a shuttle bus service to get to and from the airport, please contact them before your trip, confirm their safety requirements, and follow them. Be mindful that some shuttle services may be required by the government to limit the number of passengers they can carry or limit available seating, so you will want to understand if that may impact or delay your travel.
  • Anticipate announcements and other measures that have been put in place to protect from crowding. Ex: signs reminding you to keep your distance. Also, some airlines might have announcements or otherwise inform you of changes to their boarding practices to limit crowding.
  • Last but not least, be sure to wear a mask, gloves, and practice social distancing, staying a minimum of 6ft away from others at all times.

Enhanced Cleaning Practices

Your well-being and the health and safety of others is essential. Upon arriving at the airport, you can expect to see an increase in regular cleaning and disinfecting of “high touch” surfaces and the spraying of sanitation chemicals. Staff members will also be wearing masks, gloves, and have other barriers to ensure that they are safely distancing themselves from others.

Suitcase Cleaning Tips

Your suitcase may be considered a “high touch” surface area, and it is often handled by others, particularly if it’s been a checked item. Below are a few tips that you can follow to ensure your suitcase is clean and protected during and after traveling.

  • Use hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and gloves as often as possible when handling your luggage. This will help to guard against bacteria, viruses, and fungi contracted from surface areas you touch while traveling.
  • When cleaning the outside of your suitcase, be sure to extend the handle fully and gently wipe it down with soap and water. Next, be sure to disinfect any grips on the sides of the suitcase or the top of the handle with a stronger cleaning solution.

  • Regularly scrub the inside of your suitcases with detergent and water or a soap and water solution. After allowing it to dry, be sure to use travel cubes to store your clothes and other items. Travel cubes are fabric like containers that are easily machine washable and work best to guard your luggage against germs and bacteria. They also help you efficiently store and pack your items, so they are very useful.
  • For on the go cleaning, wipe down your handle and the luggage immediately before and after washing your hands.

We hope you enjoy these travel tips. Once you return from your vacation, be sure to let us know how they worked out for you!

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5 thoughts on “Helpful Travel Tips

  1. Hi Susan,

    Thank you for reading our blog and submitting your inquiry. We are going to forward your question to our Member Service agents so that they can review your account and let you know what we can do to assist you. If for any reason you would like to contact our agents directly, they can reached via email at or via phone at 1-800-852-4755.

    Kind regards,
    Member Marketing

  2. Thank you for the information. Wanted to have a birthday celebration there in December but feared we could not. Still not certain we’ll all be able to travel. This makes me feel more comfortable if we can actually travel.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thank you for reading our blog and leaving your comment. We are glad to hear that and are looking forward to welcoming you!

      Kind regards,

  3. We are booked for tha last week in Feb. our main concern is that the US now requires neg Covid test to return to the US. I have been told by a Villa del Palmar agent that it will probably mean going into town to get that. We had hoped to avoid going into town because of Covid. Not only will that increase our exposure but we would have to rent a car to do so or risk being on a shuttle. Is there is any possibility the resort will have testing on site?

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