What Is the Eagle’s Wings Donation On My Bill For?
The Foundation line item on your bill represents an optional donation to the “Eagles Wings Foundation,” a non-profit organization conceived by Jim McCarthy, a long-time member with the Villa Group Resort family. Its mission is to provide assistance to charitable groups in the cities and neighboring areas of Villa Group Resorts, in an effort to “give back” to those communities that have provided so many years of wonderful vacation memories in our “Homes Away from Home.” This donation is entirely optional, but before you decide to keep the $10, please consider how these funds (the cost of two coffees!) can make a BIG difference.
Since its inception, EWF has granted over $2,000,000 and has maintained an overhead expense rate of less than 2%! All organizations approved by the EWF Board of Directors are carefully screened before a grant is given. Here are some highlights of the many organizations they serve, and the programs offered:

- “Bring a Thing” – When traveling to Mexico, Eagles Wings suggests you bring items badly needed by schools, orphanages, and other organizations. Your gift can be left in the owner offices in Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, and Cancun to be distributed. “Things to Bring” – Art Supplies, Pencils, Notebooks, Toys, Coloring Books, Stickers, Sports Equipment, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Soap, Personal items.
- Scholarship Programs – In Mexico, children who finish elementary and junior high school no longer receive state support. This affects the drop-out rate and availability of basic supplies like paper, books and erasers. To allow more children the opportunity to continue their education, EWF purchased two buses, and they grant individual scholarships based on need and achievement.
- “Eagles Nest” Thrift Store – The Villa Group periodically replaces linens, kitchen goods, and furniture that are in good condition but no longer suitable for hotel operation. These are donated to needy families, with any excess items donated and sold in the thrift store, with the net proceeds to EWF for grant distribution.

Organizations That EWF Assists With Your Generous Donations:

Be sure to look for this line item on your bill and note that if you choose to, you can always donate more than the suggested $10!
The following paragraph provides a detailed description of the $10 optional donation to the Eagle’s Wings Foundation included in your maintenance fee bill:
Eagle’s Wings Foundation (EWF) – Celebrating 25 years, EWF is the Club’s sister charitable organization, established in 1999 by the Villa Group and Tafer partners and member Jim McCarthy. The Foundation distributes funds to charities in the cities of the Clubs’ resorts, and helps thousands of children, adults, and the elderly by supporting orphanages, food banks, assisted living facilities, special needs, education, physical therapy, and more. To celebrate its Silver Anniversary, please consider donating $25 or more if possible. These funds make a significant difference in the lives of the needy. Donating to Eagle’s Wings Foundation is a great way to give back to your home away from home in Mexico. Please visit www.eagles-wings-foundation.org to learn more about the good work the foundation is doing and the many local charities it supports.
Thank you for your support of this amazing organization and for helping to give back to those in need!