Member Story by Christy Henley

We left Garza Blanca early Tuesday morning for the marina. As we boarded our boat and began to go out into the water it was a beautiful morning, the seas were calm and we saw a beautiful sunrise over the mountains, which gave me goose bumps. We had a wonderful crew that took us out to where the fish were really biting. There were five of us on the trip, me being the only woman and very excited to experience my first deep-sea fishing trip. It was such a great day, my adrenaline was flowing, and while being able to spend time with my special friends that I only get to see once a year, along with my very incredible fiancé. He was so excited about me making my first catch, the pressure was on. As they begin to set up the rods I became more and more excited. Once the fish took the bait I jumped into the chair and began to try & reel in the fish. It felt so very heavy and so difficult, but I was determined to do it all by myself. It was the longest 8 1/2 minutes of my life! As our fishing morning was coming to an end, I was so excited that I caught the biggest fish being the only girl on the boat!

I would give anything for this experience and hope that when we go to Cancun next year we will be able to try those waters.

Don’t ever hesitate to do excursions while you’re visiting our beautiful resorts, you will have a magnificent time plus you get to spend time with friends from all over the world!!

Special thanks to Ward for setting up this incredible experience for us and to my wonderful fiancé Drew for his support that morning and always.

Looking forward to more amazing experiences!

Christy Henley

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