Boletín Mayo 2021

Premios Condé Nast Traveler 2021 Reader’s Choice Nos complace anunciar que Villa del Palmar Flamingos, Villa del Arco, Villa del Palmar Cancun y Villa del Palmar en las Islas de Loreto han sido nominadas a los premios Reader’s Choice Awards 2021 de Condé Nast Traveler. Condé Nast Traveler es la revista de moda y lujo […]

Best Summer Activities to do in Vallarta

Beautiful pristine beaches, charming coastal towns, and fantastic summer activities are awaiting anyone who is planning on visiting Vallarta! Regardless if you are a nature lover, thrill seeker or city breaker enthusiast, keep reading as we are covering the best 10 summer activities to do in Vallarta and you will find a bit of everything for everyone!  Stroll Down […]

Eagle’s Wings Foundation – Dedicated to Helping the Children of Mexico

“A child without education is like a bird without wings.”  EWF has long supported education for the children of Mexico, and one program it has long supported is the Volcanes Community Education Program in Puerto Vallarta. Public schools in Mexico are underfunded, and many families cannot afford to have their children continue past elementary or middle school. Volcanes scholarships […]

Your On Call Benefits Explained

Did you know that all Gold and VPA members are automatically enrolled in the Standard Travel Protection Plan with On Call Travel Protection? This Standard Travel Protection Plan includes up to $50,000 emergency medical transportation, up to $1,000 return of minor children, and emergency travel funds assistance. Gold members can then purchase the protection plan upgrade […]

Our Resorts Have Been Nominated for the Conde Nast Traveler 2021 Reader’s Choice Awards

We are pleased to announce that Villa del Palmar Flamingos, Villa del Arco, Villa del Palmar Cancun, and Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto have been nominated for the 2021 Readers’ Choice Awards by Conde Nast Traveler.  Condé Nast Traveler is the world’s leading lifestyle and luxury magazine. From resort reviews to airline travel tips, the publication covers everything you need to know about travel destinations all over […]

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