VIlla del Palmar Cabo Resort Update-Fireman Day and Green Paradise

Fireman Day

fireman event, cabo

On August 22, 2015, we celebrated Fireman Day. This day was devoted to recognizing the outstanding and valuable work that firefighters do. Villa del Palmar Cabo donated 8 pairs of boots to firefighters during this event. We appreciate all of the effort and dedication that our firefighters put forth!

Green Paradise

photo Chefs Compras

Chefs from Villa del Palmar Cabo and Villa del Arco visited “Green Paradise” in Pescadero BCS, where they visited greenhouses and were able to see how different herbs, vegetables, and fruits are grown. The staff spent the day exploring the process of growing fresh food, including how to specially prepare the land and how to best harvest this food, so that we can bring these skills back to the resorts. Our staff is committed to providing fresh and organic produce to all of our guests and this day helped keep our staff up to date on organic best practices.

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