Información del resort de Puerto Vallarta-Capacitación con los bomberos Los bomberos cruzando fronteras (FFCB) es una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en los Estados Unidos cuyos miembros son bomberos, personal médico y ciudadanos especialistas activos y jubilados de Estados Unidos, Canadá y México que trabajan juntos para dar un entrenamiento superior, equipamiento y […]
Cabo Destination Update-East Cape Bisbee Tournament
The 2016 Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament will be held August 3 thru August 5, 2016. Fishers are invited to compete and see what team can catch the heaviest Blue or Black Marlin. Here is the schedule for this event: TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2016 – REGISTRATION 3:00-7:00pm: Registration and distribution of Team Bags at the […]
Islands of Loreto Update-Q & A
How far is the resort from the airport? 25 kms (approximately 16 miles) Does Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loréto offer a shuttle service and is there any fee for this? Roundtrip shuttle service is available from Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loréto to Loréto (town). For adults and children of […]
Islands of Loreto Update-Q & A
How far is the resort from the airport? 25 kms (approximately 16 miles) Does Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loréto offer a shuttle service and is there any fee for this? Roundtrip shuttle service is available from Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loréto to Loréto (town). For adults and children of […]
Cancun Resort Update-Annual Meeting Recap
Congratulations to the Club Caribe Team for another successful Annual Members Meeting! The 2016 Club Caribe Annual Members Meeting was a great success. Our theme was “A Roaring 20’s Extravaganza” and the events truly captured the mood of this golden age of luxury and abundance. We welcomed more than 100 participants this year to a […]
Cabo Resort Update-Extended Bar Hours
We are pleased to announce that the Sports Bar at Villa del Palmar Cabo is now open daily from 1:00 pm until midnight with food service until 10:30 pm daily. Diners can enjoy items such as burgers, wings and mozzarella sticks, just to name a few. The Sports Bar is located on the ground floor […]
Puerto Vallarta Resort Update-Firefighter Training
Firefighters Crossing Borders (FFCB) is a non-profit organization based in the United States whose members are active and retired firefighters, medical personnel, and skilled citizens from the US, Canada, and Mexico, who work together to bring advanced training, equipment, and vehicles to departments desiring assistance throughout Mexico. The Villa Group supports this organization by offering […]
Mayo 2016 – Boletín mensual
Información sobre la política del programa de canjear sus puntos Ya no hay restricción en la cantidad de puntos que pueden usar. Ahora, los miembros pueden utilizar el 100% de sus puntos disponibles en una variedad de servicios y productos con el programa de pago con puntos mientras que la mitad de la cantidad se […]
Points Redemption Program Policy Update
There is no longer a restriction on how many Club Points members can use at any given time. Now, members can use 100% of their available points towards a variety of services and products with the Points Redemption Program as long as half of the amount is paid for in cash. This gives members more […]
Puerto Vallarta Resort Update-Iguanas at the Resort
While vacationing at Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta you may see iguanas at the resort, especially near the pool area. Mexico is a natural habitat for iguanas since they thrive in the tropical climate. Even though these little creatures are cute and interesting to watch, we need to respect their boundaries to ensure the safety […]