Your ClubMembership Reviews Count!

When you know you are part of one of the best vacation ownership families, there is no better way to show your appreciation than by leaving a review, and now you can do so at the UVC International website where we have added a forum for your comments.

We invite you to use this review forum to leave your feedback about your Club. Your firsthand reviews and comments can help promote the right image about your membership and encourage others to join our family. Vacation ownership sometimes gets bad press, so now it’s time for our members to speak out and tell it like it really is.

We have also included a direct link on this forum for you to contact us in case you have any unresolved issues that you need assistance with. It is our intention of making sure you are proud of your membership, enjoying all the benefits of being part of our family.

Please leave your Club reviews by clicking here. Likewise, if you feel we have yet to resolve an issue you may have, please contact us immediately by emailing

Posts created 848

2 thoughts on “Your ClubMembership Reviews Count!

  1. It appears that after years of promises I still cannot book on line,
    what is the new date/plan?

    1. Hi Robin,

      Thank you for reading our blog and submitting your inquiry. We are aware that the new website is a priority for all members. With the roll out that has already taken place with the back office portion of this site, all of our efforts are now going into working on the rest of this member account history and reservation functionality site so that you can book online. We aim to have this completed by the end of year and look forward to providing you with this new update soon. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience. We are hard at work testing every module thoroughly, and are waiting eagerly to reveal this helpful new tool. We are excited about increasing the ways we can service you!

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