Communicating the Best We Can!

spring 2014 cover imageOne of our primary goals this year is to enhance the content in our newsletters and the effectiveness of our communication.  We have heard from our members and have responded to your needs for a more user friendly and interactive format.

We have changed from a print based newsletter to an electronic one that is easily readable and accessible from any device including laptops, tablets and smart phones.  You will still receive the newsletter sent to you quarterly to your email, except now instead of downloading a PDF of the printed newsletter, you can just click the links right from the article previews, and be directed to our new blog! The great thing about this format, is you will be able to easily access previous articles by category, so you have one place to look for all of your member news! We are happy to be moving to a digital platform which will make it easier for us to deliver time sensitive information, and much easier for you to read it and leave comments with your feedback! Thank you so much for all of your valuable input over the years which allows us to implement these changes and more our organization forward into the digital age!

Rhonda Signature

Posts created 851

4 thoughts on “Communicating the Best We Can!

  1. I find the new format for the newsletter confusing! Perhaps I am just old and out of touch with the modern technology. I always enjoyed printing the whole newsletter and reading it at my leisure. I do not have an iphone or ipad or laptop!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,

      You can still download a hard copy of this newsletter from our website. Please follow this link. Moving forward, we will not be moving our newsletters to this platform as it will save us time and allow us to be able to update articles from time to time. You will also be able to go back to one place to find any past articles you may be looking for by location or category! We believe that once you use this blog more frequently, it will become less confusing. If you have any suggestions for how we can make this site easier to navigate please do not hesitate to let us know!

      Stephanie Benton
      Social Media & Communications Specialist

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